
Blue Light Whistle Blowers is a dedicated whistle-blowing service for those employed, or previously employed in blue light services encompassing police, fire and paramedics based in England and Wales.

The charity understands the mixed feelings and actual impact that reporting wrongdoing can have. These conflicting feelings and experiences is what the charity is here to both acknowledge and endeavour to contribute a solution to and provide clear step on the path forward.

Safeguards for the person reporting and providing a mechanism for lawfully following up appropriately with respect to any perpetrator of unethical behaviour or practices in blue light services.

We know how hard it can be to make allegations to professional standards concerning inappropriate behaviour in the workplace, criminal acts and/or controlling and coercive behaviour in the domestic environment.

This exclusive helpline is here to support victims and to support them when appropriate to report their concerns either anonymously or with their consent to Professional Standards and/or the relevant HR department.

If you are a victim, we understand how difficult it is to raise concerns especially in a macho environment, but whatever the circumstances we will engage with you. We will provide guidance, report your concerns if you want us to and also where required signboard you to other supporting services.